
Arthur Da Rosa

Da Rosa Jr.
Photography: Stepan Filenko


Can you start by introducing the restaurant, Da Rosa Jr. , and what the idea and concept are?


"Well, first, we only have quality products. We are working on the small plates, natural wines and all the small details that bring quality. The whole idea is to create a unique social place because I really believe that we need relationships to find the good.

With Da Rosa Jr. , I have tried to combine my hobbies: Running and music. That is why i started two years ago to organize social runs, which also happens to tap perfectly into the music scene. I think It's the easiest and the coolest thing you can bring to a place because it's something that brings people together. Different cultures, jobs, everything really. Yet we are still the same, sweating, listening to music, eating or having a glass of wine. You know, just being social and creating contacts."



How did you get into food and cooking?


"My parents were already in the food business running a restaurant, when I was younger. So I have kind of always been a part of the project. I remember my childhood driving around Italy, Spain and Portugal looking for the best quality products. So I'm sure I've learned from my parents, because it has always been a part of my life - an atmosphere at least. It's completely natural for me.

And then I think my cultural background also plays a part. I'm born in Paris, my father is Portuguese and my mother is half Spanish, half French. So I'm a mix of different cultures. I have learned a lot from them - especially my father, but I would say that I'm a completely self-taught chef and don't have any education whatsoever."


Where do you find inspiration for the restaurant and the food?


"By traveling. Definitely. When I travel, I always take time to look at all the surroundings and I can be myself: Quiet and focused. That's the best inspiration for me. I like to say that less is more, especially when I am working with food. If I like something, I'm only thinking about what we can do with it, and not so much on the limitations."



How did you start Da Rosa Jr.?


"I started working here with my dad Ten years ago. We were partners for a long time. Then after Covid we split, and I took over and changed a lot of things - to modernize the place. I'm alone now, and the ideas obviously have to come from me. I have really tried to give the place a new energy and vibe, which has been challenging at times.

What makes Da Rosa Jr. different from other places is that I don't want to copy something. I want to bring my personality, and it works. I think if you want to have success, you have to bring your personality. You can't copy and try to be someone you're not. That is why I bring my hobbies into the restaurant."



You have a focus on the culture around the restaurant with the music scene and running club. How did that come about?


"When I was younger I did sport studies so it was natural for me to bring that element, since it has been a huge part of my life. It's kind of a passion. I don't know how it really started. It's always been like that. I played a lot of football, and there you obviously need to run.

Maybe it's the hardest thing in your mind, but everyone can run. You begin with one kilometer, then two, three and so on. I don't know, but it's just the idea of making an effort I think is interesting.

It's almost as important what happens around the restaurant as inside. So I focus a lot on the culture around the restaurant, you know, that there's a social and healthy aspect."



How do you use running in your everyday life and with having a restaurant?


"It helps me a lot. I'm very quiet as a person, so I need sports to evacuate everything. Pressure, stress, anger. So when I'm off, I just have to get out there. Both running and listening music is a natural part of me. You know, evacuate, dream, get out.

Then there is the whole aspect about the traditional chef scene, which is not very healthy. Being a chef is a very hard job because you work a lot. So I need time outside the restaurant to feel good. And I think a lot of people have been running since COVID. Step by step, it's getting into our lives. Just look around you, everyone is running and starting a running club now. Marathons have become the new fashion week."



Do you have any tips for starting your own café or restaurant?


"Be brave. Don't give up. Never. If you keep going, it's going to turn out good eventually. And you don't have to listen too much to all the people around you. Because if you are focused and believe in what you do, you're going to be successful, I'm sure."



How would you describe your role at this place?


"I'm doing everything. Trying to organize and coordinate it all. Everything you see here comes from what I have in mind. For me, this place is already something special, but I think you can bring more to people and customers if you have the right ideas. I just don't want to be locked into one space. I need to discover, I need to fail sometimes. It's important for me to grow.

I try to manage the restaurant as a brand, and I definitely think I can do that. 100%. I still have a lot of things to do, but we need time, we need contacts, and we need relationships to find the good."


What are your future plans with Da Rosa Jr?


"It's not really clear right now, but I'm working on it. I'm open to a lot of ideas and collaborations. I will try to be even more free than I am right now, and try to develop concepts, different kinds of consulting stuff like that. Most importantly I'm trying to make people meet."
